Workout Reserve on Fenix 8

Hi, just bought a Fenix 8 and now I cannot use workout reserve on it. When will it be available and anything I can do now to be able to use it?


Any thoughts on this one @Phil?

On holiday at the moment.

Requires testing then release to add new devices. I’ll add it in to testing when back from holiday.


Any update about getting it to the latest Garmin device?

Been on holiday and not long back . No update yet. Hopefully not too long.

Just downloaded the latest Garmin IQ device profiles, which now includes the Fenix 8. Which model do you have?

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Fenix 8, 47 mm


I’ve added that model into next round of testing. Hopefully everything will work as expected. But Garmin do like to tinker with the internals of different models, so I can’t be sure.

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Data field has been updated, and tested for Fenix 8. It is now a compatible device and the data field can be installed.