3 workouts in a single day

Athletica is programming me weekdays with a ride, a run and a swim on a Tuesday. Is there a way to prevent this?
I am also getting multiple short (30 minute) swims. Is there a way to combine these workouts? It seems inefficient to be going to the pool, getting ready, warming up and cooling down 4 times per week instead of just 2x 1 hour swims where I can focus on quality .

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Yes Tuesdays on triathlon program is a big one. If doing three workouts don’t fit into your schedule, don’t fret about it. Delete one.
Also, as I started my training with Athletica few years ago, I also had short swims. I went to the pool 2-3 times a week and I just stacked two prescribed workouts together. Start and stop your watch between the sessions so Athletica recognizes that you completed the swims as planned. After a while the progressive overload principle will take over and your swims will become longer.



Thank you!
If I delete a swim or a ride, then distribute the lost load of that workout by adding extra time to the end of workouts later in the week, will the AI adapt to giving me less workouts of longer length?

Yes @Jack … Athletica is always trying to optimize your load (stress), session by session. If you go to your overview page you can read the last paragraph here that explains. It will do that continually irrespective of what you do, or don’t do.

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Very cool, thank you for your help

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