Questions about AI's ability to learn an athlete's schedule

Hey all,

I have been using Athletica since the beginning of the year and have really seen a lot of improvement during that time. I have some general questions from things that I have observed thus far.

How well does the program “learn” an athlete’s training schedule/preferences? Example: so far every week this is what my schedule looks like for Monday morning.

Thats five swims, all of my swim sessions for the week, in five consecutive days. Every week I move these around to Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Saturday or Sunday. I have never swam five days in a row yet every Monday morning, this is what my schedule looks like. The same is true for some of my runs and bikes. Each week I move them around to a different day and every Monday they are scheduled the same as before I moved them. Does the program learn that athletes prefer to do certain sessions on certain days and will it adapt to accommodate?


For me, the AI has learned my schedule. I specialize/focus on short course and draft legal races. Looking at your schedule and volume it appears you are training long course, Ironman distances. So you have a lot of volume training to get in. The AI is adjusting the intensities for you so that you are recovering properly. When I started using Athletica, I would move my shorter run sessions to Tuesday & Thursday because I like to run on the track for these. Where my long runs are on Sunday. Long cycling sessions are on Saturday mornings, since I ride with the road cycling team. Swims are 3-4 sessions per week Monday-Friday. The AI has held this schedule for me this past season and has actually kept the same schedule since just starting my new season.

Hopefully Prof or someone else can provide you with more insight.

All the best,

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Hey there!

My understanding is that AI is not yet learning your schedule. Once our beta testers program opens up for new athletes (it’s currently on hold due to the work we are doing regarding Critical power/pace), you could use the time constraint feature to give some guardrails on what days you want to swim etc. it’s not quite perfect yet, but we will get there.

for now, you need to move things to fit in your schedule. Hope this helps.