Currently into middle distance triathlon mid volume plan.
From now on it has basically 30/30s every week, also not really progressing, probably because it’s already at 4x9min.
Wouldn’t it make sense to switch it up with 40/20s? Or 5x5min maybe with fast start (hit decrease)?
I mean I can manually switch it up with workout wizard but does it make sense you think?
Hello! Good work on the doing the mid-volume plan.
The 30-30 is the default workout for VO2max kind of efforts, but you are always able to use the Workout Wizard.
The research suggests that doing the HIIT work in shorter intervals like a 30/30 or 40/20 seems to allow for a longer and more intense work time. Because the interval recovery times are a little longer, you’re able to dig a little deeper for the 30/30s. The 40/20s become almost threshold-ish level work because of the shorter recovery times.
Switch it up any time you’d like; that’s what the Wizard is there for!
Hope that helps!
Whatever keeps you the most motivated and consistent in the long term. I always switch to the long hit intervals. But that’s because I do all my work outdoors and the longer intervals better suit my local hill repeats etc.