Age Appropriate Training


Hi, I'm wondering whether there is any consideration with the training plans for age ? I'm 58 and although I'm very fit I do wonder whether there is too much high-intensity work in the plan ?

I'm currently doing a long duathlon plan as I'm training for a 35k trail run and don't like to run more than 3 times a week, preferring to combine bike sessions. I did start with a marathon training plan but when I swapped out runs for bikes they invariably ended up being higher intensity than the original planned run.

I'm also noticing that the strength training is very plyo focused, later in life and especially early in a training cycle I would prefer more weight training to reduce muscle loss. I've been doing this anyway but it would be good to have sessions like this as a suggestion.




Hi @markpfoster.

Few things:

Context over content always is our moto. If sessions don't feel right then they probably aren't and you need to modify.

To the age comment, its never going to be age per se but your level of ability. For example, please check out this podcast with Bas Van Hooran who describes the training of the world's best Masters (+70) runners. Remember that for the bike sessions, you can always do your own version, and you should do this, if for example you feel like you should be doing a low intensity recovery ride versus a HIIT session. Trust your inner feel. For example, that Workout Wizard based session you describe is clearly inappropriate and I am glad to know that you passed on it. Please check the 'injury' tab for alternates in the Wizard.

Thank you for your post.

Best regards,


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As an example of swapping out a run for a bike, I get this session....

Load 62 1:00:00 AER
  • WU 20′ Ride some of the course and do your final bike checks
  • Include 3 x 10′ bouts as
    • 5′ at race pace
    • 5′ steady
  • easy 10′ cool down

It's supposed to be an "AER" session but the 5 minutes at race pace were at 110% of my FTP !