Athletica allowing for mid-week race dates in training plan

Whe will athletica allow mid week race dates & then plan taper accordingly? here in the UK with late summer night we have a series of Wenesday night triathlons & also Wednesday run race series. Has always only allowed setting race date on a Saturday or Sunday so have to put down a Wednesday race as previous Sunday & then move around the taper session to reduce load of previous week but still not ideal.


Hey @anton,
Very well aware of this limitation and its certainly on our task list as we develop new logic. We have a number of other priority jobs in front of it but we will get to this one just as soon as we can (cc @Andrea). Thanks for voicing.


Hi Anton, unfortunately, not yet. I know multiple day races and mid-week races are on the list for the Athletica developers.

With my Athletica athletes, I do a couple of things. We have a big race series called Tour of America’s Dairyland that is essentially a stage race. I just add in a race prep workout the day before it starts, then copy the warmups for each day.

The other option is move the workouts around so that you have your intervals on Wednesday. Also, you can simply do the Wednesday races and let that replace the workout that’s scheduled. Athletica will take into account the work you did and adjust the program accordingly.

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Thanks Paul

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