Configuring Athlete Type for Goal Event

Have just joined Athletica. I have a couple of marathons planned for this year. One in late April and the other in mid September. Have been predominately run training with the odd bike session over the past few months but as a former triathlete I am keen to use a multi-sport approach to train for these events.
I have set my Athlete type as Triathlete and plugged in a Middle Distance A race in November to set my program (based on reading another forum topic). As a result I have a very balanced triathlon program but would optimally like to run at least 4 to 5 days a week, swim twice a week and bike maybe 3 times (have enrolled in the beta group)
Am I on the right track from a setup perspective? Am I better off setting myself up as a runner or duathlete to get more run sessions? Or use the Beta availability and constraints to try and get the right mix as a Triathlete?


Hi @markso_1077. Yes - sounds like a job for our beta feature. If you feel confident enough about Athletica and subscribe, please let me know and I will add you to the group.

Hey @markso_1077, welcome to the team :grinning:

I’m also a triathlete but love to run marathons. I use mid volume long distance triathlon plan, and as running is my weakest discipline, I’ve been working on bringing it up to par. I’ve added extra runs (typically shorter runs with my doggie) so I am getting that running consistency, 4-5 runs per week.
Athletica allows this kind of adjustment and calculates what gets done or missed. My overall run volume is still pretty low and as I have prepped for an upcoming marathon next week, I’ve added distance to my longer runs.

Even if you are on a triathlon plan, you can set B or C races (my A is IM TX in April), as runs and taper weeks will follow the marathon taper plan. You can adjust those weeks to follow what you have found works best for you as an experienced athlete. :smiley:

In your case, I would use a triathlon plan, and then pick your long runs, and ladder runs, and adjust those as needed. Delete any swims and bikes you think are too much, or leave them in the plan and let them get missed. Athletica will adjust based on what gets done.

If you have a set schedule I recommend using the time constraints feature (beta), and the Workout Wizard as well.

Hope this helps.

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