ATHLETICA Enthusiastic



After a month of using Athletica I have to say that it is a really well done app (apart from the problems with Wizard Workout that I hope will be solved soon...!)

I hope it continues to grow and improve more and more (and that it doesn't grow in price like other apps...)

2. I was wondering why it is not advertised a lot and why there are so few users who use it?

There is not even a Facebook group for users .. it would be nice to create a community


Are you still evolving it?

Are you waiting for an official version?

Thank you!


Hey Giuseppe!

Thanks for your enthusiasm! I have been using Athletica since November 2021 and am super happy with it.

To your second point, we do have a Facebook page, private Facebook group and Strava Club! You are welcome to join us in any (or all) of these channels!

Here are the links:

Facebook page AthleticaAI

Facebook group: teamathletica


See you in there!



@marjaana hi thank you! I don t find private Facebook group! Can you post the Link please?

@giuseppe85 Redirecting...teamathletica