We’re preparing to launch our new user interface for coaches and athletes. The first phase is simply the calendar view and we’ll progress to all the other areas thereafter. This initiative aims to be a better user experience from both an aesthetics and functionality standpoint and was one of 3 promises to investors from our last investment round.
I’m in search of Athletica users, both athletes and coaches, to help us test the interface.
If you pick this up and have the time, please let us know and we’ll send you the link.
I’m cc’ing @MarkB to this message as I’m travelling today and may be delayed in responding. So please express any interest in assisting here on this thread.
Many thanks as always. Building Athletica is no doubt a community initiative and we’re grateful to all of you that are contributing.
Thanks @BrentK and @vilbs. I’ll send you an email shortly with instructions. We really appreciate your help and would welcome others who might be interested/willing.
@Jbennett2@Firestop@Robert@Bart - that’s fantastic. I’m going to send you all (including the first batch of volunteers) an email later today with instructions.
We so appreciate your help and honesty in this process of making Athletica better!