Best way to get structured workouts onto a Wahoo head unit

Hi all, I’m using with my Wahoo head unit when I’m riding outdoors. I’ve been manually reconstructing the structured workouts from my plan, in TrainingPeaks using their workout builder. Then TrainingPeaks syncs the planned workout with my Wahoo. But that’s tedious and takes too much time.

What is the best practice for getting my structured workouts from onto my Wahoo head unit? Even better would be a way to get the structured workout into another app that has a workout editor, so I can modify the structured workout before it goes onto my Wahoo. That way I can modify the warmup and cooldown times, for example. TrainingPeaks won’t do this import, as far as I can tell. It will only import completed workout data.

Please see, where it says " * Please note: This only works for completed workouts. Planned workouts cannot be uploaded to TrainingPeaks.".

Last but not least, the solution I would like to see longer term is:

  1. could sync planned structured workouts directly and automatically with Wahoo, Garmin, Hammerhead etc head units.
  2. There was a built-in structured workout editor in Athletica, where we could modify the structured workouts – at least for warmup and cooldown time.

Thanks a lot!

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