Thank you so much @Pablo_ie and @KinesioMS for these messages.
What you are highlighting is that the 20":40" sessions are prescribed at Z7 intensity, which is wrong. I’m so sorry for this, but somewhat the wrong zone entered the template session. We know that those intervals must be done in Z6, which is why, most likely, you did not find them to be effective, or pleasant.
I’m so sorry you had to exert yourselves during these sessions. I will address ASAP, most likely during the WE.
As correctly @Pablo_ie points out, a HIIT VO2 session should be carried out at a relatively high frequency/cadence, i.e. 90-110. Those low cadence sessions have a different physio target in mind (much higher neuromuscular component because of the high torques).
PS, @Pablo_ie , I had a look at the data, and to me there is no evidence to suggest that FTP or CP are wrong. I do not know enough about Garmin to be more specific on the reasons behind these discrepancies. Please be aware that we keep your maximum efforts into account for the calculation of your profile for a maximum of 6 months (which is already pretty long). I do not know what Garmin is doing but perhaps they keep your historical data for longer. As you can tell from your profile (which is quite nice) the critical power nicely lies on your max efforts, settling down at 204 ish. Even If I take the 95% of the max 20’ effort of the last 3 months (FTP estimation), I get 220*0.95=209 W.