Interesting app for data nerds alongside Athletica

Not directly related to Athletica, but thought it might be useful for other athletes. So I guess I can share that here as well?

I am a typical data nerd. I record everything and have spent hours trying and test apps and websites to find a good analysis. I still think Trainingpeaks is great but too expensive, so I selected and Sporttracks to see my development and results alongside with Athletica. Not especially happy but kind of okay.

However this week I found the app that I think is perfect (and not too expensive). The name is Wattson blue ( and it has everything and more than I was looking for. So you might want to check it out if you are into data.

Let me know what you think or what you use.

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I’m also love data - I also love intervals.
For what do you use wattson blue specifically, for “ready to train” investigation?
What is the major benefit you get out of the app, what do you like most?

To be honest I am a bit oversaturated with platforms (athlytics on the iphone via apple watch, athletica, intervals, …).
I would like to condense it down to one software (I try with athletica), but they all miss something I would love to include…

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I like the interface and the fact you can drill down on anything you want. It gives me the fitness an fatigue map, a general overview and I can check individual activities
It helps I am on the Garmin platform and have been wearing the Oura ring for a few years.

I threw everything else out and am only using the app.

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is it possible that it pulls data like sleep/hrv/,… from the oura? On the iphone, i had a first look but it seems like hrv is measured via camera (which is crap) and sleep data etc needs to be input manually?

(PS. It still syncs and build up, so it may take a bit to see all bits and pieces)

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If you have an Oura you can connect the two and all metrics come in automatically including your scores. You can also reach out to the helpdesk and they will pull in your historical data.
All I do in the morning is some subjective questions and the RPE for activities, but not sure if that is necessary

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I know founder Filipe and he is great.

This is our aim…

Agh man another site to feed my data addiction/OCD, off I go down another rabbit hole.

Thank for the heads up :grinning:

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That would be epic :+1:t2:


I think HRV guru Marco Altini of HRV4training might disagree with you on that point

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Maybe you both can combine forces and have the Athletica plan integrated in his app


Checked out their app and website, for my use-case having a Garmin watch and bike unit and the kind of data I like to see athletica is far superior. All my data sleep, HRV, RHR etc. imports automatically.

What also makes athletica is the Help and Education, mapping the sports science to the data science in the documentation and in the forum is the full 360 for me.