Power Meter variance Indoors vs. Outside

Indoors: Kickr. Did the FTP test, but also ran a Garmin Edge 530 connected just to my Speedplay/Wahoo pedals. I calibrated both, but the output of the pedals was a full 8W different from the Kickr.
Is this enough variance that I need to alter my Outside FTP settings?
(Precision vs. Accuracy)

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Currently we have indoor and outdoor power settings. For now, please use the appropriate number for indoors vs outdoors. These should pair appropriately to the session in question, however 8 W probably isnā€™t large enough to make a massive difference. Moreover, I like to use my power settings mostly as a guide, keeping them ā€˜openā€™ so that if I feel good on a day I can do more, vs if I feel bad on a day I can do a bit less.

Rather not even worry about it. I didnā€™t know if 8 watts was a big deal. Thanks again for such great response time to questions.

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Hi Michael, to add on to what Paul said (I know, two Pauls in one thread), I generally advise my athletes to compare their indoor power to indoor workouts and outdoor power to outside. The two are often different, due to a lot of different factors. Plus different power meters get calibrated differently, so Iā€™d wouldnā€™t compare the Kickr and pedals.
Does that make sense?

Will Athletica ā€œknowā€ that Iā€™m Outside vs. Inside? There are 2 areas to place my Threshold in the settings. Can you explain why, if not for the system to compare to targets for inside vs. outside workouts?
My concern is that I will have a certain, average Watts on a long ride outside, (and it is normal for that situation, but clearly too high for inside work), and then my next indoor session targets will be elevated and I end up doing an inappropriately hard session. I might not be explaining clearly. Sorry.
Perhaps if I better understood how the system determines performance against the 2 targets it would help me a bit?

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For the most part these should be the same unless you have indoor/outdoor bike power settings that are vastly different. So option to make those specific to your indoor our outdoor set up. Not required.