# Quick Poll: Do you use the Workout reserve?

It shows 100% and if I start an activity the percentage will go downward (99.5% to 99.3% to 98.7% as I move around) So on the watch it appears to work based off some profile data. However, the profile date on my Connect IQ still shows as zero, where on the other three watches I have added the field show a date when the profile was last updated.

Well, since the code sets the profile date immediately after it saves the latest profile, I canā€™t see how that could happen. My only guess is that the IQ Store app is showing you a cached view of the device storage. Either way, you are good to go, and please do not uninstall anything, as that just sets you back to step one of authorising etc etc.

Too late, I already uninstalled it because I didnā€™t see it as a complete success. As you said, you canā€™t see how that could happen and I donā€™t think a cached version is good enough for continued use in the way itā€™s supposed to work. Correct me if Iā€™m wrong, but the workout reserve is supposed to show the percentage until my own current personal workout reserve, which will always be changing as I train and attain new personal bests over a variety of durations. I would think Iā€™d need my watch and phone to constantly update to load in the most accurate and current profile date (and also for me to be able to SEE that has been updated.

Sooā€¦If I got it to work once, I can get it to work again! This time maybe it will pull in the profile date as well. Iā€™ve also been able to tinker with the settings on both a tablet and my phone and watches and have it load so far in a 245, 245 music, 255, 265 and Epix Gen 2 (partially) so there is a lot of progress. I have to think in the case of the Epix it is something with the battery as you said. It is BY FAR the most fully featured watch of the bunch and a zillion battery settings since it can hypothetically run for 31 days per battery charge, but the settings are endless involving lots of choices and tons of intricate satellite settings. It also has a lot of display/connections settings with wifi and bluetooth that Iā€™ll look into. Another prossiblity could be the usage of two Connect IQ fields running at the same time since I have the Stryd power app running on this watch as well, but they ā€œshouldā€ be able to do so. Iā€™M GOING TO GET THIS TO WORK! :slight_smile:

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But by doing that, not only have you gone back to stage 1, youā€™ve lost the ability for us to see whether itā€™s the Garmin IQ app (I.e. a part we have no control over) misreporting the profile date or it truly hasnā€™t been set by the WR data field on the device (a bit we do control). Shame as it would have been quick and easy to confirm which, had you not erased the data. I am pretty sure which, but confirmation is always good to rule things out.

When you do try again, please remember a feature of the Garmin IQ app is that the data field settings shown wonā€™t update whilst you have them open. You have to exit and then go back into settings. Thatā€™s true for any installed IQ app.

Sorry, not at all ā€œa shameā€ on my end since it works now. My latest uninstall and reinstall now shows the field working on the EPIX and the profile date filled in after the distinctive tone chime. I dumbed down the battery setting as the only change, which isnā€™t really ideal but at least some progress.

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Can you state what it was, and what it is now? Iā€™d also try setting it back to its previous setting now. After the initial profile is obtained, it only needs to make one call to get updated profiles. That may be fine, working with your previous battery setting.

Iā€™ll take a look at the battery settings and move it back and let you know (currently waiting on a zoom call with a coaching client and then Iā€™ll check when done).

Until thenā€¦ a pic of progress :slight_smile:


Took a bit to get back to this. I was leading a group run last night, so I didnā€™t want to mess with the settings ahead of that so I could play with the WORKING data field. It got through the workout in working order on both the 265 and Epixā€¦yes I wore two watches :slight_smile: The Epix was also running the Stryd fields app at the same time, so no issues with two running Connect IQ fields at the same time.

I went back today and tinkered with the watch settings. I did not change the battery saver option and still kept it set to ā€œoffā€ which would keep the phone connection more awake than sleeping. Instead I tuned other things like less notifications, dimmer displace, not always on face to preserve some battery back. After a whole day the watch didnā€™t update data/profile date. I wondered if there was a way to force this so I went to IQ app and changed the display mode to Percentage only and hit save. Not only did it instantly change the mode on the watch but I guess it forced a connection sufficient enough to update the profile date as well! So everything is working AND up to date.


WR Profiles will only update on the device at a minimum frequency of once every 10 hours.

But both Android and iOS also restrict how often apps such as Garmin Connect Mobile and IQ Store can run in the background. This includes internet connectivity and Bluetooth connectivity. The Garmin apps seem to share their Bluetooth device connections. Thus opening one or the other in the foreground is likely to establish the connectivity necessary to update a WR profile, if itā€™s considered stale.

More modern versions of the operating systems seems to have restricted background processing even more to eke out battery life. Having said that my iOS 18.3 phone with my Edge Explore 2 will update the WR profile as soon as I turn the latter on each day. It may be that watches are also limiting their connectivity to phone for battery reasons, and the two compound.