Show changes in notification of zone change dialog

It’s nice that Athletica tracks performance data and suggests zone and threshold changes.


Wondering if it’s possible to show the changes as part of the dialog - in this case, current zones and recommended zones? I thought I remembered seeing the suggested change previously (for running pace maybe?), so I’m not sure if this is specific to this suggestion or not.

Depending on context, I accept some suggestions but not all - either way, it’s helpful to see them.

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Thanks @nathanchristenson … glad you’ve noticed these. This feature is currently only with our beta group but will be being rolled out shortly to everyone. It’s important to stress the key point you made — that you can auto accept or auto deny any threshold modification, and you always have the option to update your zones manually.

@Prof , I second @nathanchristenson request for the dialog box to show the actual values (current vs. proposed) the coach is recommending changing. You can only make an educated decision to accept / reject the proposal if you can see the numbers.

I am with @nathanchristenson and @BrentK on this one. And I think the changes not being shown at the moment is only for the bike, I see values usually on run and swim notifications.

The reason I like to see the value changes? It’s not because I don’t trust the AI, it’s that it’s a little pat on the back when it gets modified faster/lower. Great for motivation. Almost a little accidental gamification :wink:


Glad this has been mentioned. I really like the zone changes and the notifications but it would be good to see what it is being changed from and to (is it getting better/worse etc)

I’ve had some come through for swimming and biking recently even though I haven’t done a session, so would be good to understand why then change?!



Same; it’s showing the change from what and to what for running and swimming, but seems like not for bike. Overall, super cool feature though and I’m glad it’s there.

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Would also love to see the actual changes before accepting them. I’ve been getting a lot of these lately and feel like they’ve maybe gotten a bit too aggressive, especially since my pace zones haven’t been modified in tandem with the HR zones. The slowest pace of my zone 2 range is now the pace I can just about hold at the top end of my zone 2 HR.

My zone 2 for HR has dropped from about 130-149 to currently 116-134, my last lactate test in April put my aerobic threshold at 144 so I think this new zone 2 is now a bit too low.


Not to hijack the thread, but I did a run with the updated zone 2 today and while it felt great running that easy, I had to drop my pace from 5:45 min/km to 6:15 and the load of the session was down to 51 instead of the expected 63. I’m amazed I can even run with that low of a heart rate though, an average HR of 125 for 9km would’ve been unthinkable just 6 months ago.

Unfortunately Garmin now thinks I’m unproductive, fat, old, slow and losing fitness :frowning:


Didn’t know my wife changed her name to Garmin :wink: