Accounting for External Strength Programming

I’ve been enjoying Athletica’s programming for bike and run sessions, but would like to leverage my own program for the strength and conditioning piece. What’s the best way to do that?

Currently I’m using the constraints feature in beta to specify a 30 minute session on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The AI only seems to want to program 2 sessions a week, alternating between Monday / Wednesday and then again on Friday. I’m planning to do PPL split, and would think that only the Legs day should really impact recovery on the bike / running. Does it make sense to just pare back the constraints to once a week to account for that and then just not log the other two sessions here?

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Not clear to me what you mean. I don’t use s&c constraints at all because. Just create your own sessions and bring them in from your library …

I schedule my own strength sessions, and I combine a heavy legs or plyo focused strength session with HIIT session to prime my legs to the HIIT aor after HIIT session to create a hard day and allow more recovery between days.

I also like to get some mini-sessions done during the work day if I am busy and know I can’t get a full session done. Then I may focus on compound movements.

Depending how you do your sessions it doesn’t really tax your aerobic system but definitely if hitting the weights hard can create neuromuscular fatigue.


Hello @cgamio! I’m not sure what you mean by the beta constraints, but here’s how I add strength training programs to my athlete’s Athletica programs. I create the lifting sequence with videos on a document, then I create a new workout for strength and conditioning, and paste the sequence on the description. I then save it to my library and use for the month.

I use a full-body approach to lifting since I don’t want to spend too much time in the gym. Each session is a hip hinge, squat, chest push and pull, shoulder push and pull, and specific core work. We generally lift twice a week.

Hope that helps.


Thanks for the advice! I created some strength workouts for the library and will bring those in weekly and let the AI plan around them.