Welcome. You’ll note that we have achieved input of the running power variable in Athletica and as evidence here is your nice running power curve. Next, moving to prescription in your training zones is on our development roadmap but hasn’t yet achieved priority. I cc @MarkB so he is aware. Any other runners using power to train should make their voice heard here.
I am not convinced sections 1&2 (why can’t we all talk in same terms?!) are very useful unless I am on treadmill and can safely see the power measurement when I’m sprinting and also then, max effort is max effort - and the most important measure. But for “sections 3,4,5” can be great to keep in mind.
When you do your aerobic runs, you can aim at stryd “section” 5 power, tempo zone 3 use section 4 and threshold work section 5. Vo2max efforts - go by feel all out as hard as you can for the duration especially if using short intervals. See if that makes sense in your context and let me know.
I’m currently running a stryd half marathon training plan alongside my athletica plan and doing their run sessions instead, but then I also swap in our running clubs interval sessions sometimes.
It would be good to have everything prescribed by power so it was easier to follow, however as @Marjaana says the zones do match up fairly easily
I did an indoor run this week and forgot to turn off Garmin power on my watch. So this higher value power (Garmin is about 60w higher than Stryd) recordings messes up my graphs. Is there a way to exclude certain trainings from the graphs?
Just delete those with the incorrect power. I had a couple dozen runs from last year on the first import that had both power, Garmin and Stryd, and had to delete all those all individually. A way I found to upload correctly filtered files is with intervals.icu, where you can select which power version to use from files that have multiple different formats (with Garmin and Stryd for example in the .fit streams one is spelled with capital letter Power and the other one with lower letter power), and then bulk export those with only the correct data stream in the .fit from within intervals.icu. This zip file then only has the correct Stryd power values which can be bulk imported to platforms such as Athletica.
I’d also like to be able to program workouts based on power profile. For athletes who live in areas where the courses are staked out, this would be a great help and would improve the accuracy of training follow-up
Just adding my request to the list of those people looking for run power based training programs in Athletics.ai. I’ve been running with power for years and my prior triathlon training programs all had the option of training with. It should be added here, as well.
Just on this, I see that Stryd have just announced that if you run with other (let’s say lesser) training platforms that are linked to Stryd, you can import the workout from those platforms and Stryd will convert the pace targets into your relative power targets.
Would be really cool if we could do this sort of thing.
Totally agree as a longtime Stryd user and Stryd power coach. It’s my absolute favorite way to guide efforts on some of my runs… especially speed sessions, hill repeats, and anything with a lot of elevation, or days with windy conditions. Also a huge bonus when running on a treadmill.