I’m wondering if you plan to add ability to pair different sessions with training. I know it’s not that easy but for example in winter some people have ability to do cross-country skiing and it would be great to be able to pair that with planned workout.
Currently it will be saved as separate training session and since, for example, you did it instead of running/biking athletica will increase the next running/biking session - which is not the best
Just an idea - let me know what do you think.
What I’d like to see is a “base training” option that allows you to pick a ramp rate, primary and cross-training modalities, and set target distributions in terms of time/load. You can sort of get there by choosing rowing and setting targets for rowing, strength training, and cycling, but you are limited to those two modalities for cross training, and rowing as your primary.
An alternative would be to allow the swapping of modalities; i.e., I’d rather do this session as a row instead of the planned bike.
I suppose this would need clarification on whether this is how the next running/biking would be impacted. In a perfect scenario I would think the system would look at ANY activity you recorded, (no matter the type), note the load, and prescribe/adjust the load of future workouts accordingly.
Yes, it would be great to be able to do that @Bart … You could create a Ski session with similar load to your planned run session and then it will be paired with that but I realize it is not ideal, and will not be adapted based on your training. And the subsequent sessions gets altered.
We are working on XCS plans but unfortunately they will not be ready for this year.
Plan B could be to add XCS as alternative mode in the Workout Wizard
Thanks all for your ideas… appreciate you!
I used to put my watch on run mode, and then record a cross country ski - the problem with that is that is that is gives you unrealisitic PR’s and would change my thresholds/paces (i.e. bombing down a steep hill on xcountry skis is faster than running down a hill!). So wouldn’t recommend doing that!
- XC as running is a bad option as you @cmaloney described
- @Marjaana I’m not really into XC ski training programs
What I really mean is that in northern hemisphere where the weather is crap it’s better for me to spend 4h XC-skiing rather than 4h on trainer looking at wall in aerobic training
I don’t want to skip intervals, etc. I’ve just want to replace from time to time aerobic training - or pair the XC ski session with aerobic bike, etc.
The reason for that is that if I skip bike, do XC ski then the next session of bike instead of 3h is 4h and that would probably to much.
Does a load get recorded for XC skiing. I presume it would if you use heart rate? I’d imagine it would then adjust future sessions based on total load regardless of activity type?
Got it yes it would trigger a load increase on bike. Not ideal as we know xcs is more demanding whole body exercise than biking.
I would suggest to use your common sense and override the change, keeping the original session before xcs. Look at what you did in the past few weeks on the bike and think about where you want to take your biking.
@Prof it would be great if the logic would take into account the “unplanned” xcs activities and not trigger load increase when it’s clearly not needed in cases like @Bart.