Crosstraining/recovery Sport Choice

Hi all. My main sports are swimming and swimrun. Swimming I take care of myself by swimming with a masters’ squad, and letting the workouts flow into Athletica. For swimrun, I’m typically setting a Marathon or half-marathon for my event date to cover off running. The run program adds a couple of easy bike rides a week to the program. This is fine for me most of the time, and if I had a big swim the same day as a bike was planned, I’ll just skip the bike. Load is load and all that…

My partner just started on Athletica, has no interest in biking and was wondering if there was an option to swap the ‘recovery’ sport from bike to swim. Any ideas on how to do this other than manually creating the workout?


Hey! Awesome Martin!

We are building “modality” choice in the workout wizard. There are some choices already depending on which sport plan your partner is using. In the meanwhile, creating a workout and saving it to library probably best option for now


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