I logged a workout as cross training (since it was plyos and strength and I added a few things). When I went to pair the workout later with my planned strength session, it shows as cardio and says there are no available sessions to pair with. I unpaired it with “unplanned” as well and it still doesn’t work. See screenshots showing the plan and also showing no sessions to pair.
Can someone please help troubleshoot? Thanks.
Hey there,
As far as I understand you have to record it with your watch as strength session to pair it up. If you record it as anything else it will be recorded as separate session. It is not really a big deal as Athletica will take it into consideration anyways- unless you absolutely can’t live with the fact that the original strength session stands as “misses” 
Best, MJ
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Heh, it’s true, I may be a bit of a completionist
and do like to see how my workout stacks up to the planned one. That said, some flexibility in pairing doesn’t seem like it would be an issue.
TrainingPeaks, for example, may be too far on the opposite spectrum - allowing a run to be merged to a “rest day” entry for example - but some flexibility about merging would be great. There are dozens of workout types on the watch, to limit only to 4-5 specific workouts is pretty limiting.
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agree with you in regards flexibility and not all watches have all workouts forms. Like for example Aqua jogging, so it has be recorded as “workout”.