I love the simple design! But - it is only available for the athlete app, correct? When I log in with my coach account I only see rest days nothing that would indicate where I can see my athletes.
Thank you @NicoleLB85
Only for athletes for now
Another side effect of the App taking into account breaks while the web display does not.
Below is the same swim workout
Are the distances and paces still only in km? I’ve downloaded it a few times and still metric on my end.
Thanks team. Metric/imperial bug is known and will be fixed on next mobile release.
I had the website set up as a web app on my iPhone. This is simply better and easier to use. Thank you.
I started using the app in the past week. A few issues so far:
1 - When I open the app, usually for the first time during the day, the app defaults to last week, not the current week.
2 - I don’t know if this is an app issue or an issue with the system, in general, but I’ve run into a few instances where either the app or the website has to be refreshed several times to sync up if the AI changed my plan.
3 - Yesterday I was supposed to swim, but I have some tendonitis in my shoulder and used the Workout Wizard to select a yoga workout. When the yoga workout came over from Garmin, the notification bell in the app said I had a new “swim”. The yoga workout did pair itself with the yoga Workout Wizard suggested workout.
4 - See screen shot. App is showing double icons sometimes for Spotify, iTunes, YouTube and Captive
Hi all. We just published a new version of the mobile app that should fix the miles/kms issue. Please update and let us know if there are any issues. Thanks for your patience!
Hi @Throxy thanks for flagging these issues.
I want to clarify which app you are using - this can be a little confusing, so apologies if I’m telling you something you already know! Maybe others will benefit.
Our original web application (the one in the image you provided) is accessed using a browser on your phone or desktop. You may have installed an icon on your phone screen for easy access, but this is still the web browser experience at https://app.athletica.ai
Our new “native” mobile app (shown below) can be downloaded in the app store and is a rethinking of the experience to make it easier for all levels of athletes to use.
The mobile app should start on the current day (in a single day view) and you can click on Week at the bottom to see a weekly view and drag and drop workouts. It sounds like the web app may be showing the prior week at the start. Please let me know if this persists for you.
Your profile settings tell the system not to make changes to workouts within 1 day (you can increase or decrease this), so there should be no adjustments to your workouts the day prior. If you add, move or delete sessions within a day of the original schedule, you can sometimes find that your Garmin device still has the old scheduled workout, You can solve this by selecting “Re-sync with Garmin” in the session settings (currently only on the web version).
Sorry to hear about the tendonitis. That sounds like a bug - I’ll flag it to our developer.
Thanks for flagging this one - I have seen that bug but I thought we already squashed it. It is obviously the cockroach of software bugs!
Thank you again for all the helpful feedback.
It seems to be half fixed. Now after a workout (mine from today is attached) I see completed distance in km and planned distance in miles.
Thanks @mgiven! Sigh… it’s an iterative process! We’ll get it fixed right eventually.
Just dropping a note to say I love the new app! Makes it so much easier to add my notes and RPE and see the weeks workouts.
Thank you, Mark. I THOUGHT is had installed the native app, but clearly I was mistaken . After you post I dug a little deeper in the Google Play store and found it. They don’t make it easy to find, as it was nowhere near the top choice.
To clarify on point #2, I was talking about what I was seeing with the syncing between now, what I understand to be the browser on my phone and browsing from my computer. It’s likely related to cookies/cache, but I there were instances where I would have to refresh several times to see the same results. I’ll let you know if I have the same experience with the native app.
I think the graphs for planned sessions need some attention:
This is 4x1k and not just 1k like the graph suggests.
And I don’t know what happend here, but there is definitly something missing.
I find the graphs very helpful for getting a quick overview of the session. Any plans on integrating them into the web version?
Thanks @Harlerunner this is an issue we are working on. I love these visualizations of the workout, so it’s frustrating when they don’t turn out correctly!
The add workout from library has a bug in the modality filter. I’ve added recovery walk to my library. If I filter by walk modality it doesn’t show up. If I leave the filter off and scroll through my library of workouts I can find the recovery walk.
I am using the app more often to have a look at the week ahead and weekly load. It’s great to swap things around on my phone without having to go on the laptop - I found swapping things around on the phone extremely cumbersome - now it is all easy!
Only feedback is that I don’t see in the app the “alert” when I am potentially over-training which it’s important when I am swapping session around. Maybe this is something that could be included?
Thanks @Giuseppe85 we are working on this now and should have it in the next version within a week or so.
Found a miscalculation on one of my workouts. Attached are two screen shots taken from the mobile app. One shows, correctly, the manual information I entered - length of time = 20:35 and distance = 1079. The other, which is comparing actual to planned, shows the distance to be 986. I have no idea where the 986 came from