Beta Program Daily time availability & constraints

Absolutely @Kormozaparnik … welcome to the beta team.

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The plan seems to have settled down now. Could you add me back in to the beta team please. Sorry for being a yoyo!

Can I join the team plz? I want to focus on biking for several month before jumping up into my next IM prep

Hi @TDI , You sure can. However as per thread here this group is exclusive to subscribers only. If you decide to subscribe then let us know and you can join.

Interested in getting in this as well. Some of my weekends aren’t so great for workouts sometimes when I’m working @ races. TY

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Noted @tri4autism… I’ll get back to anyone here on this thread to add to our beta program once our VT2=>CP release is robust and rolled out to all.

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Hi Prof, Can I be added to the Beta program as well. This was one of my favourite features from HumanGo. Find it essential as a shiftworker.


absolutely @Oosthuizenj … we just need to roll out a big release over the next few days and make sure its stable and then we’ll get back to adding beta users.

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@tri4autism @Oosthuizenj - welcome to beta

I think I hit a bug.

I have 6 rules for Daily time availability & constraints

When I try to delete one or two or all rules error message is displayed.

It turns out that any change to the rules shows error message.

Thanks @Martin confirmed and bug reported

@Prof , FYI, I’m getting that error with any attempted change to the training plan (e.g., adding a race, change to training volume, etc.).

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@Martin @BrentK … we think that bug is now fixed. Please confirm.

Could I please be added to the beta program?

Welcome to beta @Redone

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Hi @Prof, Please may I be added to the beta program as well?

Hi @Prof , I’d like to be added to beta if possible as well. Thank you!

Welcome to beta @Fazel & @ChrisGSA

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Could I please be added to Beta also @Prof

Many thanks

you bet… welcome to beta @WIP

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