Beta Program Daily time availability & constraints

I just tried to set up my logic and availabilty on the weekly schedule but it seams that the program didn’ care.

Also I put a Race and than back to “Train to Maintain” But the plan still show the race week.

As I understand it, the training restrictions are a “strong suggestion” for the algorithm. It will do its best but too many of them and they will be ignored.

I have 1 hour a day set and the next 3 days call for 2 hours per day of z2. I will just do what I can and Atheletica will manage the rest.

I’ll let @Prof chime in here too, but for the second part, occasionally it takes 30 minutes for the plan to be processed and changed. Maybe that race is gone now?

Thaks for the hint, I ll try to reduce the numbers of training restrictions and see how it goes. Regarding the race plan is still present.

Keep in mind here everyone that the system requires sometimes an overnight period to make the appropriate change as there are substantial calculations going on in the back end. The logic will almost never work on first glance but if you set it prior to sleep and check back in the morning ofter you get more around what you were after. Of course, this is beta so lots still to go for us here.


Ok @Prof I ll let the system work and see in a couple of days if any change occurred.


It does not work at all is also my experience.

Thank you for posting @Albert. If you could please leave your user-time-constraints settings as is for the time being it would be appreciated as your example is a good one where the system has failed a seemingly simple request (Thurs swim). Thanks again.

for me it doesn’t work as well. I want to bike an run Monday and it gives me a swim… sometimes even 2 swims on Mondays (e.g. week 2024-05-20)

Thank you also @Ironben … agree… will add your profile to the list for our developers on this issue.

@Prof it would be great if the team can have a look to my user-time-constraints too and cross check with my plan cause only the request to leave saturday off as been digested from the system. The rest seams not consistent.

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Thank you @Trabucchi. Noted and have added your profile to the ticket.

Hi Prof. Just joined Athletica. Could you add me to user time-constraints? I would like to create my training plan. Thanks!

Welcome on board Yumi… you are now in our beta team :slight_smile:

Thanks! Now what do I do??:sweat_smile::sweat_smile: does my program look different now? How do I set my specific constraints?
Thanks for your help!

I now see the section to add availability and constraints and I added and saved it, and it says my plan is ready but there are still too many run days and no bike days even though I specified those. Should I just wait longer to see if it changes overnight? I set it to start next week so i can wait still.

Hi @Prof. I tried creating some limits as to what day I wanted S&C and now I see 2 of the exact sessions of S&C on Monday. I tried to create some other constraints but it totally screwed up my plan so I deleted them and left only 2 S&C as my constraints. I think I will have to adjust my runs and bikes myself as it doesn’t seem to work for me unfortunately. S&C on the same day, exactly the same workouts but with different amount of time… That does make me feel it’s not customized and that is a bit disappointing… I will just delete one for now. If you have any suggestions, I’d be happy to hear!! Thanks!

Hi @Yumi,

One of the things we recognize as a user when we agree to be in the beta group, is that you are in an experimental setting where features aren’t yet perfect. You can opt out at any time. As above in the thread, we recognize that that the UX isn’t perfect, and you highlight this with the two S&C sessions being input on Monday. However, user-time constraints has performed as expected because in your settings you have asked for at least 45 min of S&C. The program has searched its library to find S&C sessions and because the template one had 30 min already, it added another one to make up to more than 45 min. For Thursday it found a session longer than 45 min and placed one.

Please remember too that it takes usually overnight before the settings take place so as described above, put your settings into your week before you go to bed, check back in the morning, and make any fine tuned adjustments as needed for the remainder of the week.

Let me know if I can be of further help.


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That totally makes sense about S&C! Thank you for the explanation. I do understand that this is still an experimental stage but sometimes we get carried away and get anxious…:wink: Us, crazy exercise fanatics…:wink: Sorry about that. I’ll keep the program as is for now and tweak as needed, and also be patient with the changes, I promise :sweat_smile:
Thank you for your hard work!!

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@Prof Just a thing to note maybe. My S&C have the exact same workouts whether they are set for 30min or 45min. I can easily add more exercises or change them myself but maybe it’s something for the AI to note??

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Dear @Prof, Can you add me to beta team please?
Many thanks!

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