Doubts about plan resolved

After my triathlon on 2025.2.1, I had a 21K on 2025.1.1. I spent the whole year last year focusing on triathlons and neglected running.

So my long runs for last year were the 21K on 2024.1.1. (I do it every year to start my new year off right), and then about three or four 10 km runs. So I was pretty skeptical about getting ready for this year’s run in the month after the 12.1 triathlon. And I got even more skeptical when I saw there were no long runs in the program! Longest was less than 9 km (I added a 12 km just before tapering).

I was pleasantly surprised by my time (not great but surprising for how little running I had done) and how much energy I had left after the 21K this year, so that eased my doubts about doing only short runs.

There was a thread about success stories with Athletica which I cannot find now, so just adding it here.


Thank you for sharing ! I’m glad your doubts have resolved. :partying_face: keep going !