Garmin ConnectIQ Workout Reserve data field

Good Day Team,

I hope everyone is enjoying “spring” wherever you may find yourself :hugs:

I have added the WR to my regular (Tempo/Steady state) run Garmin profile and have paid mild attention to it through these runs.
One of the main aspects that I find myself paying attention to is not necessarily the % throughout the session but my overall metrics after the session ie the relationship between WR/time/Pace/average HR these rolled subjectively together giving my own sense of progress.
I believe I can see when my cumulative fatigue is impacting my performances and then I will take a “hard rest” window and when I come back my biological upgrades have kicked in and I smash my WR%'s with strong changes in my other metrics allowing me to “level up”.

Having said all that I am really after input or ideas from the team on how I can use the WR data during my long runs (3-5 hours).

I have experimented with several different angles of using it (some are illogical, but were fun to poke around with).

  • I have tried using it for hydration/nutrition intake cycles. This failed as my starting state of hydration/nutrition level changes and the environment (Hills, Temps etc) should more directly correlate to intake. Invariably this disrupts my inputs and disrupts my performance starting at about the 2 hour mark. I have ditched this idea entirely.

  • I have used it for implementing running:walking ratios. This holds some promise, but topology is typically my main driver on when I walk/hike Vs run. More often this leads to me walking during times when I feel like I can run via RPE equivalent measuring. This turns into more of a softer extended interval session, especially on flats. I have not ditched this entirely, but am looking to apply it more selectively beyond the

  • I have even tried to manage my “Trail Breaks :wink:” to try and increase my overall relentless motion forward and reduce the brain games of you need to tinkle kind of thing. This has not been successful as I have found it is best to just take the time to tinkle and get right back leg turn over than die on that mountain and risk an emergency situation.

The main thing that is reducing my ability to leverage is during a 3+ hour long run are the times when I need a “trail break :wink:” or want to stop for a picture and bask in the beauty of where I am or chat with other people… the dang thing immediately begin to refill itself thereby negating whatever I am trying experiment with for that time window within the session.

I am clear in WR intent and use for short higher intensity sessions and even longer normal sessions, but for those atypical extended sessions (3-5 hour runs) I am looking for ideas.

Appreciate the input as always!