Garmin ConnectIQ Workout Reserve data field

In the next wave; ETA is either today or Monday.

Okay, a significant number of additional watches are now compatible and the data field is now built for them, ready to install. Go check it out, to see if your watch has made the grade for this weekend.

Garmin Connect IQ Workout Reserve - Compatible Devices - Beta program - Athletica Forum

I think this will be the full list of watches which are compatible with the features it needs. If your watch is not in the update list, let me know, and I’ll double check its compatibility.

This is beta, so let me know any issues. This release to a big batch of watches is version 1.2.7 . It also includes updates for anyone who has installed the previous version.

@anilakarsu @Antonie @Cubicfunction @MarkB @Prof

Meanwhile I’ll be on my patio, replacing the chain and doing general bike maintenance.


Hi @Phil, just incredible!

Unfortunately I managed to install and add the field to my running modality, but it never asked me for my Athletica login. I have My Garmin Edge set up simultaneously, so I’m not sure if it is somehow pulling the Athletica login from there?


Sorry @Phil … you’re right… I’m FR945. :slight_smile:

Your web team who look after the Authorisation should be able to tell you what the Athletica servers saw for your account. Garmin don’t document what’s happening there with Connect IQ where it just says you’ve successfully signed in. From when I’ve had logging on my Edge it does appear to send an authorisation token back to the device etc. The IQ! Means it’s crashed, provided I don’t release any more versions for now I should be able to see what your watch choked on.

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@MarkB I have had a chance to have a quick look at the error logs that get loaded to Garmin. As I suspected your watch failed processing the authorisation response.

I don’t get to see the response, quite rightly, but I know it encountered something unexpected. It failed in a place where it should have had a valid authorisation to process. The fact you weren’t prompted to login to Athletica but Connect IQ said successful sign in, may be connected. I’m going to need to try and replicate the problem in some way on my Edge. The authorisation step is the same across all devices. That’ll be Monday on my recovery day.


Great news Phil. I immediately downloaded the data field, put it in a new page for running activity and this triggered a sign in on the Connect IQ. I signed in correctly but the data page stuck with the IQ logo.

Should I wait for 15 mins with both data page on the watch and the Connect IQ app on the phone open?

I can see you’ve got the same problem as @MarkB , there’s something it choked on in the authorisation response. I’ve got my long aerobic development ride today, but I’ll look at this as soon as I can.

Can I ask the both of you whether you added the workout reserve to more than one position on the screen, or just one place? The error kind of hints at your watches trying to process the authorisation response twice, that shouldn’t happen, but when you’ve eliminated the possible you reexamine the impossible.

Only one place but I also have it on my Edge. Could it be the reason?

@MarkB has the same. Your watch can’t see the Edge, nor does it care. Did you see the Athletica login screen or like Mark did Connect IQ just say successful login? That’s the other avenue I am going to explore. My wife has a second Edge, I might just have to install Workout Reserve on hers, to see if this has something to do with multiple devices but same Athletica account in some way. If there’s a pattern, there’s usually something in it.

Yes I saw the Athletica login page and after login I also saw the success message.

I tried again last night doing a full restart. Deleted app, redownloaded latest, removed and reinstalled Athletica<>Garmin connection on Athletica.

I’m missing an Athletica<>Garmin authorization step I feel but no idea. Keep going Phil… we’ll get there.

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Okay @Prof @anilakarsu @MarkB I think I’ve fixed the cause of Authorisation failing. I’ve run the install process from a clean start on my Edge and the profile was downloaded. I seem to have broken the tone alert, I know why, but it’s Fajita and beer time here now.

Uninstall on your watches, and do a clean install. Add the field back to a data screen. Respond to auth prompt (first time for you I think Paul) then give your watch 15 mins or so to grab that profile.

Once 15 mins are up after authorising, even if you haven’t heard any tones, provided the field doesn’t show IQ, then press start.

Let me know if there’s progress and if so I’ll explain what was happening.


Still seeing the IQ icon. I started the activity to see if it would fetch anything, but then it only showed --.

Also recorded a video of something interesting happening with the S/L indicator. Idk if a bug or kind of a loading animation.

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Hey @Phil. Like @anilakarsu, I followed everything uninstall reinstall to the best of my ability but still only seeing IQ icon. We’ll get there :muscle:

@Prof @anilakarsu Well it wasn’t Authorisation causing your watch to crash this time. It was related to drawing on the screen a little sooner than the watch was ready for. Thanks for animation Anil, almost certainly related.

Latest release ready to install, and fix the watch display animation / crash.

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The weird animation of the line is gone but I still only see --. When I have to wait for 15 minutes, is there anything I need to keep open, or is it simply enough if the watch is connected to the phone (which is always the case for me anyway)

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Can you just check the version you have installed. The version you want is 1.3.6. If you haven’t got that one, then update as it’s now showing in Connect IQ. I see the latest version in Connect IQ before Garmin approve.

You should not need to uninstall this time. Just remove from data screen, update to latest, then add back to screen. Then just leave it to hopefully do its stuff. It just managed it in 5 mins 5 seconds from authorisation to profile on my Edge. I’ve done some tweaks to try and speed up the initial authorisation to initial profile time.

Because your watch may have expired authorisation responses it may take a little longer for the latest version to tidy it up and get to that initial profile. Just as long as your watch is on and connected to phone it should be working away in the background.

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Just updated to 1.3.6 and and I can see 100% in the widget. However when I start the running activity, it shows – immediately. Maybe I should test it during a real running session.

Did you add it to a running activity profile?