Health data from Garmin - menstrual cycle, weight

How about importing some of the health data from garmin, such as Menstrual cycle info for us females, as well as things such as weight - which could show you your w/kg for each bike session or something like that…


Great suggestion @cmaloney and have added that to the dev list.


Thanks for this @cmaloney. I just had a long chat with @Marjaana about this and other ways we can make Athletica more welcoming and useful to female athletes.

Have you got any other good ideas in this area? I imagine that there are quite a few ways to do this without “purplewashing”. What do you see in other platforms that we could learn from? We would love to hear your and other female athletes’ thoughts.


Thanks for asking! For me, it would be nice to see the cycle data shown within the training calendar so I can see when different phases of the cycle might fall. I don’t really use any other platforms other than garmin to track cycle data. Some might find it helpful to track symptoms, like garmin allows you to track….


Hey ladies,
We’re working on implementing this feature. Like with HRV, we’ll need a period of monitoring the data, examining trends, etc. So if this is something you feel would be of value, please alert me to the fact that your user profile should have this data available in Garmin Health / Connect. DM me here on the Forum if easier.


Yes please :slight_smile: I would like to be included. Thanks!

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I’m in @Prof thanks :pray:

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Will you pull notes and symptoms as well?

I take it you can add your own personal notes @Marjaana? We’re building this in real time :slight_smile:

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Would be useful to include symptoms and notes

Thank you :pray:


Hey gals,

We’re doing our best to try to advance this concept forward. Unfortunately we’re not getting much interest in the feature to say the least. So, if you are passionate about this area, we will need your help to recruit others that might be interested or sadly we’ll need to park the initiative for the time being.

Existing users interested will need to disconnect/reconnect Garmin and choose “Women’s Health” per screenshot. New users just need to check the box.

All the best from the team.

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Here are the Garmin Menstrual Cycle Tracking details for those interested in learning more.


How long after doing this should we expect to see the connected Garmin data on Athletica? Thanks!

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Hi @Nicholle… unknown at this point as we’re just trying to see if we can find enough women that want to pioneer with us here. We need at least a handful and we’re not there yet. Can I assume you’ve done the above in terms of connecting and reconnecting Garmin and accepting permission?

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Gotcha. Yes, I just disconnected/reconnected, then toggled. I also just posted on our team FB page the step-by-step instructions to help encourage women to do so as well.


Please add Candice Taylor. She’s done the toggle. Thanks!


Please add Dena Mcphedran to the list - I gave her the instructions. Thanks!


I’m in and I am done with the toggle.


I’m also in, and done the toggle