As per attached screenshot, my plan is stuck with Fitness, Form, and Fatigue spinning and a message indicating that finer details are being worked on. It’s been like this for 16 hours.
I followed the onboarding questions to create my plan and then imported two years of Training Peaks workouts. Then connected Garmin for future workout uploads). I did not start with either Garmin or Strava uploads as my Training Peaks historical data is cleaner.
Workout wizard isn’t visible on any future scheduled workouts.
Proposed swim distances are a massive ramp up on historical swim volume, which is probably needed, but almost double the current distance. Is this because it has not finished processing the history and current form?
The reason for moving from my current setup, is to have something other than a static plan that can help me move training around and re-calculate impact on progression, due to sickness, holidays, life…
This (the ramp up and endless waiting) is leading me to not feel confident about the smart /‘AI’ aspect of Athletica as to make a move from my current setup I will lose the following and increase my own workflow. Perhaps you could indicate whether any of the following will be integrated or is on short-term roadmap, to enable me to properly consider costs/benefits:
Swim - I use Form goggles and my workouts currently auto import from Training Peaks to my goggles. With Athletica I will need to reproduce on goggles ahead of each workout.
Prescribing run workouts based on power so that I can continue to run with Stryd Duo without me converting workouts to pace each time
Nutrition - I work with FuelIn and all my workouts are analysed from Training Peaks and all food for the day and sessions are personally prescribed for me.
The above tasks are not once only as I generally do this at the weekend, ahead of the next weeks training. If anything changes on the plan (which is the ‘benefit’ of Athletica) I will need to manually re-do all of this, which without integrations is a p.i.t.a.
I am halfway through the Compass podcasts as I am trying to understand where development priorities of Athletica lie as I really want the adaptable aspects but without (I guess) Training Peaks integration as a minimum, (which is an excellent bridge for Stryd, Form and FuelIn) and the plan having not been fully populated within 16 hours, I am wondering whether this is not right for me?
Thanks in advance from tech support and any there Athletica users who have a similar setup to me and have made this work - for the better?