New user help needed with setting HR and pace

Hi! New user here. Today I have an easy aerobic development session but I am puzzled about HR and pace indication. My zone 2 based on garmin is up to 142HR/Min and typically this is at a pace of 5:30-5:40 however the session is prescribed to stay under 140HR but at pace 4:19-4:54 which would probably lead me to a HR of 162-155. How can I change this and make sure the suggested HR and and pace are in line with the objective of the session? Thanks a lot!

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Hey, welcome to Athletica

have you done your test week?

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oppsss…I am doing it this week - so I assume from your answer that I should wait for that right? thanks for your reply!


Yes, first step:
Do the test week.
Second step:
Watch the magic happen :magic_wand:

In the future when zones seem /feel off - either erroneous data coming in, garbage coming out, or you’re getting fitter. And we of course expect the latter :rofl:

Let me know how you go on.


I have a quick follow up question - I hope you don’t mind all these questions! On saturday i have my FTP test scheduled - can i modify one prescribed from Athletica with the one on velocity? the reason I am asking is that on athletica it is 90 min while on velocity it is just 55 min. A related question how do i get from an a bike exercise in Athletica to Velocity? I have done all the connection now. Thank you!

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Hey, no problem at all! We are here to help!
The test on Velocity has 20 min warm up instead of 30 min warm up (so just warm up 10mins prior if needed) and shorter cool down (cool down longer). The main set is still the same.
Your bike session from athletica automatically syncs with Velocity. If they don’t, please ask Velocity support (they are awesome) for help.
Best, MJ


I have a follow up question. How could I add a swim critical speed swim test? I cannot find it.

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Which plan are you on? CSS is part of your triathlon plan test week.

I had skipped in the first week because I was traveling and could not do it. But moved it to today so it is done. Thanks a lot for your follow up!

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Awesome! Glad you found it. Make sure to save the tests from test week to your library for easy access in the future :muscle:t2:

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