Should Watt Targets for 2k and 6k Tests be the Same?

Not sure if this is a bug, but my understanding of CP (or FTP if one prefers) and W’ would intuitively lead me to believe the request of my upcoming ALL OUT 6k Test for me to row at the same max. Watts for 20+ minutes as requested for my ALL OUT 2k Test (6:45-7:00 min) is not correct……

Am I wrong?

Also, the summary on my 6k Test Day header states the test is for 2k, while the Test/Workout interval is set for 6k. Should this interval be for 2k as the target max. Watts suggest, or 6k with a more realistic Wattage target? If not, I definitely will be burning quite a few matches. :fire::face_vomiting:

