Strategies for migrating athletes using other platforms to using Athletica

Greetings Athletica Community,

The following 2 athletes came to me for coaching and I’m contemplating using to manage their training. They’ve been self coached so far using 3rd party tools. In some cases it’s been working very well so I dont wanna just throw away whatever they have going on but it would make my life easier if they were in Athletica.

Athlete 1 - triathlete

  • uses TrainerRoad AI / workouts for cycling
  • uses Jack Daniel’s training plans from books for running
  • uses SwimForm goggles for swim workouts

Athlete 2 - runner

I’m looking for the least intrusive way to get them to transition to

Would that require me having to recreate all workouts manually in and distribute to them within the platform?

Also am open to general feedback from other coaches who’ve been thru similar situations.

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Hi @pierre ,
It’s great to hear that you’re considering Athletica for your coaching. We’re currently working hard to enhance the coaching experience alongside the ability to leverage the AI. Comments back as follows:
Athlete 1:

  • Athletica cycling workouts for triathletes are top drawer IMO and you can leverage the workout wizard for variety.
  • Athletica run plans apply similar concepts to Jack Daniels’ plans as you’ll note that we do a 5k run test to calibrate zones just like Jack Daniels
  • You could still apply the Form swim plans and just record these in Garmin or upload the .fit file as others do.

Athlete 2:

  • Again, I stand by our running plans and I know many runners have success with them.

For both athletes and any others that you onboard, remember that you’ll have the AI as an assistant alongside your coaching, which is a feature for coaching few other platforms can stand by. Yes for any key sessions that are unique you’ll need to create these once and store them in your coach library, but you will then have them to use at any time and for any other athlete moving forward. Finally, as just one example, Robbie Bruce at C-26 has onboarded more than 50 athletes now and you can read his philosophy here.
Let me know if you have any other questions or require anything further.

Hi Pierre, I also have brought on several clients to Athletica as a coach and love the platform. I add strength and yoga sessions to my athlete’s program and closely monitor their progress with Workout Reserve and other Athletica tools. I work primarily with cyclists, but I have several triathletes and some runners on the platform as well. I also use Athletica for my own cycling training.
Prof mentioned Robbie Bruce as a resource, and I’d definitely read his blog post.
I hope that helps!

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Thanks all I appreciate the feedback! All of it makes sense to me. Will keep digging and report back with questions / observations.