You can now add notes as an athlete and coach

Hey there,

We’ve added notes for both Athletes and Coaches (beta only at this point). Could you please have a test and report any problems here for us

You’ll find the notes right under the Athletica/Your Coach’s logo

Notes are private to you whether you are a coach or an athlete.



Do I need to be part of a beta group to see this?

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Yes please :pray: it’s released to beta for testing before being released for all. Appreciate your feedback.

Can you add me to this beta?


@Prof can you please add @Robert to Beta?

@Robert you are switched over to beta now.

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I can see the notes box as shown in Marjaana’s post. I’m not so clear about the intended functionality - how would you see it used? Is it mainly for an athlete to leave a note for their coach? Is there just a single note at any one time?
For me, I’d quite like to have multiple notes each tied to a particular day or week so that I could see what (non-training) events constrained my activity on a given day or week. It would simplify reflection on a week’s activity without poring through each activity. Examples would be “I was travelling quite a bit this week for domestic issues, and had limited access to the bike and trainer”, or “I had a mild cold for the first half of this week”. The presence of notes could be indicated by an icon on the week view.


I love this and so happy you are asking for this as well ! Makes it easier to communicate to your coach.

For now;
You could use the notes to remind yourself about your goals, write your favorite power frase, make a list of new sports gear, a list of items on how you will reward yourself when you reach your goal etc.

But I agree, it would be great to have two way notes to coach-athlete comms.

@Prof :laughing:

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