thanks @Phil … noted. Please modify accordingly in the interim.
I sometimes get files from my athletes with heart rates that go to zero. Is this a device issue or something else like a data translation issue? Thanks!
Yesterday was a rest day but I went for a walk. My Garmin file did not upload. Today I tried twice to upload it. I get an email saying it’s done but it says nothing was uploaded and there is still nothing for yesterday. Is there something I am doing wrong or is the system just being glitchy.
I think it’s a translation issue. It certainly doesn’t go to zero. I’ve raised it as a bug as I think have others.
Sometimes I notice that the totals (hours/km’s) at the bottom of the training plan for the week, don’t match the prescribed totals. I don’t know where the number that is posted is coming from…
For some reason my workouts aren’t showing on my training plan page, it’s just stuck at spinning circles as if it’s loading. Same thing happens on desktop and mobile. (I am on the beta program)
+1. I’m having the same issue. It was ok ~7 hours ago if that helps narrow timing down
Same issue here. As of right now!
Another voice with the same issue currently. It was working as late as like 3PM pacific today.
Hi all @DaveBoyle @Bpellegrin @rap @ohlylo
Thanks so much for flagging this. We had a weird system issue that is now resolved. You should be able to refresh your browser and have your training plan back.
Please let me know if not.
Many thanks for your patience and apologies for the down time.
Working great now.
I did yesterdays workout today and I’m trying to move the workout prescription session from yesterday (Sun 12 May) to today (13 May), but it gives an error of: “Session log data does not match requested move date”. See attachement.
I worked around by adding to library and inserting to today from there.
Cheers, Andre
Hi @Prof - this issue (or a similar one with the same symptoms) appears to have resurfaced. My constraints for Monday are set as < 60 minutes total and <1 min swimming (so no swimming), but the day’s plan is inconsistent with those constraints.
Today I noticed some very strange data: my heart rate (bike and run) and my power have decimals in the “Athletes Zone” section.
This is also in the details & analysis of a workout I did today (e.g. the bike workout from this morning)
This is for both, running and cycling. I’m not part of the beta group.
Probably you can check it?
Thanks @Rene … yes aware of this one and we’re on it.
Hi @Rene. Thanks again for reporting. We’ve made some changes and that should be fixed moving forward. Please let me know when you get a chance.
There is still this issue for the bike HR. Additionally to that I noticed that these decimals are also shown in the “Time in Zones” section within the details & analysis of a workout.
Thanks for your help!!
For long duration events (at least 10 hours moving) Athletica is not using the power data in the fit file from Garmin. Saw it for last weekend’s event, saw it last weekend of April, saw it Easter, saw it long event end of March.
Not totally sure if this is a bug or a byproduct of the beta time constraints, but I thought it was a little odd. I have a workout that’s prescribed to be a race pace workout, but it’s merely a warmup followed by a cool down. It also seems strange that the “original” workout of 1:40 would be a load of 6 whereas a workout at 1:28 is a load of 50 (which I would believe to be more correct).
Hi @rap. Indeed, this one we are aware of and is a product of the UTC beta feature you are on. When the load is lowered, that key set element is sometimes removed. You may want to modify the session somewhat so you’re hitting some race pace during the session (i.e., 3-4 x 10min with 5 min in between)