Got it. Thanks for the suggestion!
I used the Workout Wizard today for a bike ride. When I selected the new workout, it gave me a cooldown right in the middle of the workout vs the correct spot at the end. It pushed it to Garmin this way also. Screenshot attached.
Thanks for reporting that one @JeremyScherer… I have logged it with our dev team.
Did a swim session this morning with the Tri team. During this session we focus on technique and then speed but we do it based on time periods and not laps. Eg. 60 secs of catch up followed by 60 secs of moderate swim. Due to this I dont record the laps on my watch and the total distance captured by my watch is much lower.
When I tried to change the distance in Athletica the Load explodes to e.g. 378 because it assumes I did the large distance in around 10 mins, my recorded laps swim time. Note it does seem to calculate the average pace for the session based on the entire recorded session time with pauses which then seems a bit odd, but understandable if you want to evaluate ‘endurance’.
If I try to change the load, the distance goes back to the value retrieved via strava.
Even when I try to modify both distance and load, the values do not get saved and the distance is saved but the load fallbacks to athleticas calculated value. I also cannot just override the load without changing the distance.
In order to keep my scheduled training reasonable, I have just adjusted the distance value to a value which provides a load aligned with the expected load.
TLDR : Seems like you cant override load value in at least swim sessions
Thanks @nhc … have reported that one.
Hello all,
I’m only able to see three of my athletes, including myself, on the Performance Potential chart. Last week, there were only five and some have dropped off. Any thoughts on this? Thank you!
One more bug that’s come up. I added some races to one of my athlete’s training plan since she’s doing a stage race. I’m now unable to see her training plan beyond the races put in. Any thoughts on that? Thank you!
Been adding manual S&C workouts for w/c 3/6/24. For context: I spread my S&C work through the week in 10-30min sessions most days, rather than less frequent but longer sessions. Noticed that for future S&C sessions the system assumes a load of 20 for a 30min session, so I have been using the same ratio of load:mins for my manual edits. When adding estimated load I noticed when I save changes the system either (a) changes the load to zero, (b) changes the load score to a slightly different value vs what I entered.
A related question, do these S&C load scores have any effect on future SBR session planning? (If not I’ll not bother adding a load score in future!).
I believe this is a bug. My swim for today was scheduled as 1900yd.
When you look at the Details and Analysis for Planned and Actual. My Actual shows that I completed the 1900 yards. However the Planned is 1737.36 yards. I did not use the Workout Wizard to switch the session. I took a peek at the session the day before and it was 1900 then. When you hover over the down arrow for planned Distance, it shows Below Planned, which doesn’t make sense. Thank you in advance for your replies. -Joe
Hey @KinesioMS,
I think this may be related to a settings customization you can adjust in your settings as this modification on today’s date wasn’t ticked. I have since ticked this for you. Please shout out if this happens again.
Not a bug but a question - where can I ask specific questions? The bubble at the bottom is not very helpful. My question is whether I can set a number of days per week I want to run. I put goal races in setting (marathon and held marathon) so I get a plan supposedly towards those races, but it’s giving me running workouts 7 days a week. Do I need to manually delete some every week, or can I ask it to give me only 5 days of running? Thanks!
Hi @miwakodai,
If you are interested, you can consider joining the beta group that has access to our user-time constraints feature. Its a beta feature because it still isn’t perfect yet, but 90% of the time does an acceptable job and we have many on the platform using it. This feature is available for subscribers only, so if you choose to subscribe, please get in touch if this is something you’d like to use.
Hi Paul,
Thanks for your response.
How much is the beta group subscription? I am interested in annual plan.
@miwakodai the annual subscription is US$189. There is no additional cost of joining the beta group to test out some of our early features.
Count me in for the beta group! I will sign up for an annual subscription now. thanks!
Super @miwakodai … welcome to the beta group!
Session Feed Back…
Good morning all, the Session Feed Back from my latest run has not populated. It seems to be stuck in a perpetual loop. It shows “Still sourcing session feedback…” with the little spiral still rotating. I included a screen capture of it from last night. A checked it again this AM and still no change. Thoughts? Suggestions? -Joe
Looks like it just populated. I now have my session feedback now.
Started a thread for this because I’m not sure that it’s a actually a bug, but posting here for consideration.
Have done swimrun workouts with a partner couple of times. Used the Garmin swimrun activity to track it, which fed into Athletica as multiple activities. No real issue with this but it drops any legs beyond three.
Strava also breaks it into multiple activities - but it did pick up all the legs. Just wondering how other ‘brick’-type workouts like this get handled by the system. Do I need to load them manually?
I believe a load is a load and recognized by Athletica accordingly. But it should not drop any legs. @Prof so know why it would drop one leg if Garmin records them all?
Sorry Martin I am not much help here