Garmin ConnectIQ Workout Reserve data field

WR is super cool :cool: to learn how I can use it in training. After hitting some long runs and hitting the negatives wr on long runs, my taper weeks is calling for more intensity so I also got to test in on the shorter range. Today 40mins tempo runs, stopped before I hit 0. I missed the optimal window of taking a photo of it as I stopped my tempo … so in this one it has already moved more
To the middle.


Do you mind if I steal that for one of the images in the Connect IQ store?


Connect IQ is specifically for Garmin devices that support it. If you mean live Workout Reserve in Sauce (I’ve no idea what that is) then that’s a different question and perhaps you could post in the feature requests section for someone to consider.

@MarkB Since this is no longer beta can it, and related threads, be moved into a more general category?

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Absolutely. Good suggestion. I’m working on a bit of a forum reorg right now anyway. Thanks Phil.

you are welcome to use whatever photos i post here, @Phil

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Hi Everyone. I’m writing a paragraph or two for our HIIT Science Newsletter around what we’ve learnt after a month or so of using WR in real time on Garmin devices. There’s a few above here on this thread that I’ll likely borrow, but grateful for any further thoughts or comments including pictures around how they feel about the tool, utility of, etc. Thanks in advance for your important contributions.


I’ve been using it for a few months more and I’ve said this elsewhere.

  1. It works as an excellent tool for the repeatability of intervals. My feeling is that if I dip below 10-15% workout reserve during early intervals then it compromises repeatability
  2. When outside, for instance on a hill I know well, for long HIIT VO2 max intervals. Then I get to know where workout reserve percentage should be at different stages on the hill if I’m to hit around 0% by the time I hit the top. It feels very consistent on what must be at least 70 or more repeats of the same hill with real time WR.
  3. I feel that my pacing of intensity sessions works really well when I don’t have speed or HR showing but instead have power, cadence, and workout reserve showing during the work portion.
  4. For aerobic development I still go with heart rate and power cap…
  5. You get a feel for where the duration slider should be sitting for different duration and intensity sessions. It keeps you on track not to go too hard or go too easy. That Goldilocks zone.

It wasn’t till I was developing and testing this outdoors that I really “got” workout reserve and its utility for my training.


I love WR, here’s my take:

  1. It is based on something I factually did the past 6 weeks - not an estimate of some theoretical physiological marker, like % FTP that was tested months ago - FTP at best is still an estimate, and Not A Full Picture Of What I Can Do. Workout wizard though - very relevant. Either I hit new personal best, or I didn’t. I can see clearly where my progression is - or is not. Love the brutality of it.
  2. Understanding how I can use it without tanking myself: with a guide rails of “leave one or two in the tank”, AND around 5-10% of WR - I can make real time decisions confident that I’m not just being lazy or that I am risking injury or illness.
  3. Together with proper intensity zones settings, I value the real time feedback both on short intervals and long runs/rides. I can use it to develop my race pacing plan as well. Looking at the longer range, where did I dip under 0% - how did I feel and at what time stamp/km did this happen? Together with the running or power profile I think WR can be super helpful.



While after the workout, it shows that I dived deeply to my low mwrs, on my garmin it showed 8% on the sprint (middle) and then it recovered and if i remember right i ended the workout with ~70%. In the analysis afterwards, it shows that I ended with almost 0%. Why is that discrepancy?

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That’s a huge difference I wouldn’t expect. Can you share your user name via private message and I’ll take a look sometime next week.

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I have installed the WR several times and I seem to get the value of 0 that doesn’t

change on my Garmin edge 530. Is there a step that I’m missing?


Paired with phone, phone turned on and nearby for requisite period as explained in instructions?

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Had an initial look.

I’ve noted that you’ve got a couple of roughly 11 minute windows where you appear to be stopped, and when you resume your power meter has disconnected from your Garmin device. You also have an additional 5 minutes across your workout where the power meter is disconnected. Did you do anything with your power meter or Garmin device during this period, press any buttons, turn anything off etc?

I see you only have Strava linked to Athletica. Strava doesn’t provide all the information (Garmin doesn’t send it to them) I’d need to look at this in more detail. I would need the original Garmin fit file to take a look at all the events and data happening on your Garmin device to dig into this further.

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is the tone that you are supposed to hear - on the phone, or on the bike

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On the bike computer or watch for me @cmaloney


Thanks alot for your time… I’m such an idiot :-P, I used Wbal instead of the WR by athletica…

Makes sence that that was recovering after this effort.

Regarding the couple of breaks, thats when garmin goes to “auto-pause” when we stop.
I don’t see any power meter disconnections in my garmin file.

However, problem fixed, I have to use the right “WReserve” :wink:
Thanks for your feedback!


On your gps but it’s key you have a paired phone and that Connect IQ app is installed on it. You’ll get a Connect IQ app prompt on your phone to authorise the workout reserve field. That’s the first part of the process you have to get to. You can’t just install from Garmin Express and have it work.


No worries. If it’s within 10% of post ride analysis I don’t worry as that usually just means live workout reserve used an older profile. But 70% difference would be a big one!

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Excellent - got it. Turns out I had tones turned off…
Used it on my 6 x 6 threshold ride this am-really cool to watch the WR go down and then up for each rep in real time. Thanks!