Riding together on Zwift

@amn2099 2% great spot to stop right there :star_struck: awesome! See you next week. Make sure to join the WhatsApp group - I will drop the Google meet link there to safe time and hassle in the beginning of the ride. Well done today and nice to meet you !


@Marjaana that link doesn’t work for me :frowning_face:

Awesome fun, thanks for organizing @Marjaana. You can see from the look on my face that it was " :nauseated_face: fun" and not " :partying_face: fun"

You can see from my workout reserve that I slacked off a little on the last set. But I did hit -9% mWR.


You did amazing work and even remembered to snap a photo. :heart:

-9% WR! Great job! :clap: Look how stable your HR response is …
I’d say you prob hit your vo2max. And based on your comments you probably didn’t have many more reps left - always leave 1-2 in the tank right?!

Again next week!


Really feeling these sessions helping my longer efforts. Especially on rolling hills: after punching up the peak, I feel I’m flushing the lactate much more quickly (or whatever, physiologically speaking, is happening) and I get back to the steady-state pace pretty quickly. The RoB feels stronger, too.


Bravo :raised_hands:t2: so amazing to hear!

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Hey :wave:t2:
New week, new opportunities :star_struck:
Wednesday warriors mark your calendars for a spicy :hot_pepper: morning session with:
20min warmup (gives us enough time to iron out the inevitable kinks)
3x4x40/20 (last week we did 3x5x40/20) this week we will do 4 x 40/20 and focus on executing the same power all sets with no power drops… so aim at keeping your power throughout the set. If you are able to hold 350w rep #1 try to hold the same average the rep #12
Cool down to 60mins

Note: you don’t necessarily need a zwift connection as I will talk you through the set.

Whoever can hold as close to same power throughout the sets wins a virtual sweaty high 5 :partying_face: and glory for knowing how to pace :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Remember to join the WhatsApp group: WhatsApp Group Invite
I will drop the google meet link in the WA group

Give me thumbs up if you are in this week! :star_struck:


I like the challenge unfortunately I might have a schedule conflict. But I will join the week after.


New Wednesday- new possibility to have some intense fun with your new best friends!

Meet up 8:20am CT for 8:30am wheels rolling.
Once we leave the waiting area you cannot join the zwift group (you can still get on the call where I will guide everyone through their workout).

Please come early so you don’t get left behind :smiley: There is always something that happens right before, like power doesn’t connect, you forgot something etc. I sound like a broken record now, but please show up early.

If you are new:

  1. look me up on zwift companion app and request to become friends. “Marjaana Rakai”
  2. send me a message here with your zwift username so I know you want to join tomorrow - I’ll then invite you to the meetup.
  3. Join the WhatsApp group WhatsApp Group Invite - I will drop the Google Meet link there.
  4. Show up early and get ready for a hard workout :laughing:

Tomorrow Wednesday April 17th we will do
Warm up 30mins
3x5x40/20 (aim to keep steady power throughout each interval, and same power level from 1st interval to the last- not an easy thing to do! We practiced this last week, no we add a little more to your plate)…
cool down, high fives!

Who’s in for tomorrow? Reply or send me a message!


Count me in for the cycling party! :bike: :partying_face:


Awesome @MarkB remember to accept zwift meetup invite on your companion app so Zwift will take you directly into the meetup gates :star_struck:

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See you tomorrow for some more fun!

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This week’s Wednesday warriors!!!

Show up 8:20 to iron out the kinks :wink: and share your news for the week :crazy_face: or just pedal and get ready for fun times :star_struck:

If you are new and wanting to join:

  1. Follow me on zwift companion app
  2. Let me know you want in the meet (you will not find the meetup on zwift as it is private)
  3. Join the WhatsApp group - I will drop Google meet link there for chats - and if you don’t have zwift or don’t want to build the workout, I will talk you through the workout as we go, so you defo want to join the Google meet. WhatsApp Group Invite
  4. Put your best pain face on for laughs after. We are a bunch of fun loving peeps and enjoy encouraging each other … we don’t take ourselves too seriously which makes these sessions so much fun! :star_struck:

Let’s send it!


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We are back this week with a slight change:

  • we will be doing Sprinter’s Playground, consisting of four sprint segments. See the photos attached. We will do several rounds and you control your intensity.
  • a little bit easier set this week due to the fact that ride leader (me) is recovering from IMTX.
  • you still get to challenge your Fast Twitch muscle fibers, but this will be more of a sprinter’s workout with plenty of recovery in between.
  • follow the regular steps to join in the fun! :star_struck:

See you tomorrow :facepunch:t2:

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Sounds fun. Quick question what time zone is the 0830 meetup? Just so I can check if it is doable for me (in the UK). Thanks.

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Sorry about that… CT US.

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Hey ya’ll
This week a little more chill ride as @cmaloney is saving legs for Salty Dog MTB race and I am in the middle of test week.
We will do 1x 4x 30/30s.

To join, you know the drill.



Back at the VO2max Warriors Wednesday:

To join in on the fun, :star_struck:
Read :point_up_2:t2:- there’s a few steps you need to do


  1. do not use ERG mode on these
  2. Show up 10mins early… we often come across something we’ve forgotten, and need to fix it… allow some time for the last minute fumble. Once the meetup starts, Zwift don’t allow you to join.

Looking forward to getting a new block of these Wednesday mornings!



By joining the group workouts, you assume the inherent risk of doing high intensity interval workouts.

If you are joining the group workouts please privately message me your emergency contact number and name.

Thanks, MJ


Hello, happy Monday!

Calling all Wednesday warriors!

Wednesday morning workout 8:30am CT :laughing:

Warm up, 2sets of 5x 40/20s with 3 min in between.
Starting to build up the sets now.

If you are new and want to join our lovely group, please check out previous instructions on how to join or DM me.

Wheels leave the gate 8:30am precise, see you there!