Speed swim workout

Speed is an important element for any swimmer.

Hello, tomorrow I will have this SPEED SWIM workout.

Considering my training ranges how will I be able to sustain this rhythm (1'39”/100mt for 125mt) if it matches my Z7?? I think it's an impossible and very fast step to take without Pull and paddle! Cosa ne pensate?

Yes - the goal of that speed session, as described, is to just go 'all-out'. You are welcome to use paddles to move a bit quicker. Naturally you will see the speed drop off after the first 25m, but don't worry about this. What's important is that you are trying to go towards maximum. This helps build your top speed and raises the ceiling on your entire locomotor profile. Yes - the pace might be slightly off what you are capable of, but please don't worry and just do your best.


@prof i ve do it!!!

I didn't reach the speed targets but I gave everything and I'm

Improving a lot! Times never done before!

Thank you ATHLETICA!!!

Ok !! Thank you

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