Bug reports

Thanks MJ.

I’ve uploaded fit files before, but it looks like the option to ‘add data’ is no longer there:

I looked at Saturday’s prescribed bike, and it’s not there either, so it’s not specific to one session.

Thanks again.

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Open the workout, then Upload your fit file as shown in the screenshot below

Hope this does it :slight_smile:

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Any info on this one?

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Not sure if this is a bug but my plan at the moment seems to be giving me 2 differing bits of advice.

If there is a high risk of overtraining (which I understand, I’ve ramped up a little bit from doing nothing for a couple of weeks) then why would the coach then increase the time/load on my bike & run sessions today? Is that because it is looking at each “sport” individually in terms of fitness? I’m having to move/delete my swims at the moment due to the pool being closed, is that throwing the plan out? Thanks

Hello - I’m using the time constrains to move the day off from Fridays to Wednesdays:

The rest day however was moved to a Sunday:

Any idea, what I need to do, to move the rest day to Wednesdays?

Dear @Torsten ,
I get the following:

Please read the time constraints thread. It is assumed that beta users read this so they understand that our AI requires heavy computations that take time. So you need to make your settings and then check back later. This should not have been reported as a bug as this is the current expected behaviour.

Dear Prof,

thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I was looking for information, however I was not sure where to start and it was unclear to me where I could get any information. Now I know, thanks.


Dear all,

I too am experiencing real problems with the time constraints of my plan. My AI coach is constantly modifying my training plan without taking into account the constraints I’ve given him. What’s more, it no longer respects my schedule, planning unrealistic programs for me! For example, next week, he’s made me an 18-hour plan, whereas I’m currently on a medium-volume program with a maximum of 10 hours of sport per week.

It’s impossible to correct this because the AI remodifies every change I make to its plan.
I delete one day’s training to have a rest day, and it reschedules others. I move the swimming workout scheduled for a Monday, it reschedules another.

Has anything changed in the algorithm in the last few days? Because I’ve never had this problem before.

It’s driving me crazy :grimacing:

Constraints :

Next week plan :