Hey @Prof,
Can I please be added as well to the beta?
I would like to avoid double workout sessions during the week, the total weekly volume is fine.
Thank you!
Hey @Prof,
Can I please be added as well to the beta?
I would like to avoid double workout sessions during the week, the total weekly volume is fine.
Thank you!
Hey Paul (@Prof ), can you please add me as well? The planned days fit almost perfectly, but there’s always one day I have to move.
Welcome to beta @Harlerunner
Hey @Prof , could I please get added to the beta as well? Thank you!
Hi @Prof,
Could I be added to the beta program? I joined a few weeks ago, and while I really like the approach (and even more since you got it to sync with Velocity), I could do with further adjusting my schedule.
Many thanks!
Hi @Prof , could I please get added to the beta as well?
Thank you!
Hello @rykiferreira @Laurent @triverest … welcome to the beta team!
I’m getting strange results experimenting with the time constraints. My goal was to keep my Tuesdays free of training, because I’m always blocked on that day. But as ther is no option to block days, I set the rule of “no more than 1 minute of training” on Tuesdays. Result: Tuesdays tend to be rest days, but often Mondays have a run session AND a bike recovery session, while Wednesdays also is a rest day.
I would be nice to be able to block days for training. My workaround for now is to place a “dummy workout” from the library on Tuesdays.
Sorry @Harlerunner but I’m not really following your critique. Remember that you are trialing a beta feature (that means we’re working on the feature in real time) and Athletica gave you the rest day you asked for when you correctly created the request in your setting. What do you feel is ‘strange’? Have you also waited at least 12 hours for the final outcome?
I’m fully aware that it is a beta feature. What I feel is strange is not using the rest day on Wednesday for the recovery ride and instead have two sessions on Monday.
Hi can I become a beta user?
You bet @Elcorra … welcome to beta
Hi @Prof, could I please get added to the beta as well?
Thank you!
Welcome to beta @cleoescht
Hi; looks like a beta bug on the time constraints. I have it set to swim at least 1 minute M, W, F (that’s when I either have Master’s or time with my swim coach). However, this is the plan for the week, swimming M/Tu/Th/F, nothing on Wednesday, added swim on Tuesday when I don’t go to the pool:
I can easily drag and drop Tu to W and delete the extra swim, but the point is to not have to as much, and wanted to share since it happened last week too - at the time I thought it was just due to regenerating my plan so waited for it to calibrate, but it’s now been almost a week and should be corrected by now. Thanks
I am trying to get the engine to move the scheduled workout (threshold) from Friday to Thursday. I’d like it to do this every week to free up Fridays. I’ve added the very simple constraint to Thu to try and facilitate this
But it seems resolute that I will do 1 hour aerobic development on a Thu and my Threshold on a Friday. Apart from recovery weeks when Friday is a rest day anyway.
It would be nice to know whether the engine will always try and put certain sessions on certain days regardless of constraints.
In other words what are the constraints on what constraints can achieve?
I’ve subscribed - can I please have access? Thanks
Welcome to beta @YellowCube
@Prof If it’s possible, I would love to be included in this beta group. Thank you!