Different pool lengths

I typically swim in a 25m pool for my training and have my Garmin Forerunner (FR) set the same. My swim profile for my training plan is also set to 25m in my settings. When I am away on vacation staying with family, I swim in a 50m pool. I do change the pool length on my FR. Should I also change the pool length within my training plan settings?
Thank you,

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It appears that as long as I have the accurate pool length on my Garmin FR for the swim session, the data transfers over without any issues.


Thanks for researching this issue Joe and reporting in for others.

Hi Joe,

Garmin doesn’t allow me to change the pool length when I have chosen the workout otherwise it changes the pool length when I choose the scheduled workout. Can you please advise at what step do you change the pool length? Maybe my problem is that I am trying to change from 25m to 33m, and it is not as easy to convert for Garmin as from 25m to 50m.


Hi Anton,
If you are talking about Athletica-pushed workouts to Garmin there is only the 25m and 50m option. If you are just swimming in a pool, at least for my Garmin 945 device, I have the option under Pool Swim Settings => Pool Size to select 33m.
Hope that helps.

Hi Anton,
On the Garmin FR, try this. Pool Swim > Activity Settings > Pool Size.
There are multiple preset options ( 25m, 50m, 25 yards, 33 1/3 meters, 33 1/3 yards, CUSTOM) on my FR 920XT. I hope this helps.

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Hi all,

I’ll try to explain better. On my Garmin 955 in a pool swim mode when I change pool size to 33m after I selected to do the scheduled workout from Athletica, Garmin doesn’t allow me to do that without cancelling workout first (because the workout is for 25m pool). If in a pool swim mode I select the pool size to 33m first, then after I select the scheduled workout, Garmin automatically changes the pool size to 25m. Is there a work around that? So that the Athletica workout would be recalibrated in Garmin for a 33m pool?

Thank your,