Choosing days and hours (time constraints)

Hi @Josh,
Absolutely and you have been added to Beta.

I can’t see this mentioned above, and perhaps this is a new feature rather than adjustment of this one, but having the ability to exclude days from certain disciplines would be super useful as a Triathlete.

As an example, due to squad taking the pool and business commitments, I can ONLY swim on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I would love the ability to be able to tell Athletica to not schedule any swim sessions on any other day other than those three.

It looks like setting say a Tuesday to be no more than 1 minute of swimming achieves what is needed, but takes some lateral thinking to realize that is the way to do it, so really it is more an interface tweak.

For reference, here is how TriDot do it (not saying it is better, just a reference point), where you drag the days you DO want sessions to be on:

… and Humango, this time, you are selecting a discipline to allow each day:


I eliminated cycling workouts from my running training plan using the beta time constraints feature. It looks like the cycling workouts were deleted from the plan, but they were not replaced by running workouts and so the overall training volume for the plan decreased quite a bit - up to 2 hours per week for a low volume plan. Therefore, my fitness is predicted to decline from where I am starting unless I manually add running workouts and/or extend existing workouts or use a mid-volume plan with the same constraints. I expected that running workouts would be substituted for the cycling workouts to maintain the same ramp rate in fitness by the AI but that is not the case.

Please add me to the beta.

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@Prof Kind Paul, could you add me to the beta? :slight_smile:

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Hi @Prof could you add me to the beta so I can use the time constraint feature?

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Hello @Cagnone ,
You have been added.

Hi @vilbs ,
You have been added to beta.

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I apologies @Prof , I still don’t see the time contraints setting. Is it always to the 24 hour delay?

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Can I please be added to the Beta??

Also, I’m finding that the Low Volume setting is too low but the Mid is too much.
What is the best work around for that??
I’m thinking that setting my days my help as certain days are too busy at work for me but figured I check to see if I should just go down to the Low Volume setting.

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Hi @egon ,
You have been added to beta. If you specify your availability or not with this feature this generally alleviates the issues you raise on volume. Remember to give the AI time after you administer your settings and please keep us posted on outcome.

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Thanks @Cagnone … for some reason the beta setting didn’t hold… I’ve tagged you again to that group. Please try again.

@Prof can you please add me to the beta? I have become jealous of the others. :slight_smile:

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Haha @rafstang… you’ve been added too now :slight_smile:

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@Prof Could you please add me also to the beta.

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You’ve been added @trichards

@Prof Could I get added to the beta as well? Thanks

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Welcome to the beta team @Mikey_Cartel :handshake:

Thank you very much!

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Can you add me to the Beta program?