Structured Swim Workouts

Built my own swim workout and the rest till lap press worked perfectly between each set.

Some odd behaviour though. Some of the sets would skip one of the rest intervals. So on a 4 x 50m with 20 second rest, Garmin skipped the rest between the 3rd and the 4th interval. No major problem as I could stop the watch and restart when I started my swim, but I had to look at the watch every time I finished an interval and check that Garmin was going to give me the rest.

It affected about 3 rest intervals in the whole of the workout, and there was no pattern to why it chose to skip those intervals as the other parts of the workout worked perfectly.


Thanks @Jeremy@Marjaana is keeping a document for all the minor issues like this still to go so please feel free to tag her all when these arise. Many thanks.

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I noticed in a swim workout this week that has a long continuous set with various paces it pauses between each pace change, requiring a button press to continue.

My main set had these steps and it would pause in between each one requiring me to hit the lap button while fip turning… doable but I’d rather not.

Not sure how to build this otherwise tbh other than making it an 850 with a 1’ rest.

MS 2 x 850yd as

  • 150yd L3a [1:28/100yd - 1:35/100yd]
  • 150yd L3b [1:24/100yd - 1:28/100yd]
  • 150yd L1 [1:46/100yd - 2:31/100yd]
  • 100yd L3a [1:28/100yd - 1:35/100yd]
  • 200yd L3b [1:24/100yd - 1:28/100yd]
  • 100yd L1 [1:46/100yd - 2:31/100yd]
  • 1′ rest between reps